HOMEASST.® Home Service and Care Evaluation Assessments


HomeAsst.® provides several types of service assessments to benefit the client and correct intake care plans to those who need it the most. If you have home care issues and support needs and find it difficult to look after yourself, your local authority may be able to advise you and provide you with a third party resource. The best way to get assistance to support your needs is to contact HomeAsst, When you call, feel free to fill out the Service Request form. Another way to contact HomeAsst. is to drop us an email and we will be glad to assist with your service assessment. We try not to miss calls, however the operators are available to return all recorded messages. Please leave a detailed message for a returned service call. There are several service assessments offered in order to benefit each client service assessment needs. Your home or health assessment needs will not be overlooked it is a priority before services can offered or rendered. Rigid care programs at times lack compassion, patience, and understanding of your unique living and health situations.



These types of services can only be provided by a Geriatric Care Manager, Home care Administrator or Home care service evaluator, Social Worker or Registered Nurse (RN) or a Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) or a Certified Nurse Assistant under agency supervision. Service assessment include routine home and safety monitoring for serious precautionary health risks or unstable home living environments that are impacted with bugs spider, flees, and roaches, contaminated infected smoking, dust, dust mites, pet dander, mold or ventilation mold spores, rotting wood, house holes, foundation cracks, rats, mold in bathroom and unhealthy food eating and overdosing on medication. This is known to aid in worsening a persons condition where as they may wish to be at home with their personal belongings. Home Care is necessary to aid in healthy living for the best outcome in hospitalization risk assessment.

All of These services typically include:


Primary Medical Agency’s Care Giver Health Assessment details a complete client and care giver profile. To better understand your health history involving several categories that are kept confidential for your unique care plan.

  • Biographical Data Assessment,
  • Neurological Health Assessment
  • Endocrine Health Assessment
  • Reproductive and Urinary Health Assessment
  • Cardiovascular Health Assessment
  • Skeletal & Muscular Health Assessment
  • Digestive Health Assessment
  • Chronic and Acute Care, and Lab work Assessment
  • Respiratory Health Assessment
  • Lymphatic/ Immune Health Assessment


HOMEASST. ® Care Plan Development, Health Assessment & Patient Education Examples:

Frequency of Head to Toe Health Assessment.

Persons under 35 years of age 3 – 4 years.

Persons from 35 – 45 every 2 – 3 years.

Persons 45 – 55 years of age undergo a thorough health assessment every year.

Persons over 55 years may need assessments every 6 months or less.

Dementia Care:

Older adults don’t become forgetful simply because of their age, they draw blanks because of diseases unfolding in their brains. Even mildly forgetful seniors have brain lesions that cause memory lapses. yet they don’t always progress to full-dementia. Memory impairment is just a normal part of aging. The brain changes related to forgetfulness are associated with aging however, it does not cause the process alone.

Brain Lesions such as abnormal protein plaques and tangled fibers, proliferate in the brains of people with Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Dementia, is a condition marked by cognitive decline that interferes with daily life, is most often caused by AD.

People who experience gradual member decline, were found to have found tangles and clumps of proteins. People who had stokes or protein clumps called Lewy bodies in their brains also had nearly double the rate of gradual memory loss. Brain lesions have a much greater impact on memory function in old age than studied. Alzheimer’s begins to develop years or even decades before noticeable symptoms appear. Walking boost brain function.

Daily Blood Pressure Hypertension and it’s Consequences

Risk factors for high blood pressure include too much salt in the diet, excess weight, physical inactivity and smoking or breathing in second hand smoke once diagnosed with high blood pressure. The dangers of high blood pressure include hardening of the arteries, or atherosclerosis, kidney disease and heart disease. High blood pressure can also result in a stroke, either by blocked arteries or burst in blood vessel.

Daily Blood Pressure Hypo-tension and It’s Consequences

Risk Factors for Low blood pressure can cause fainting and dizziness. A quick dramatic drops in blood pressure will reduce the adequate blood supply to the brain. Hypo-tension most of the time is undetected and is not dangerous unless it produces symptoms.

Treatment: change your lifestyle and taking your prescription medication for those who have readings of 140/90 or higher. So, if your in the pre-hypertension range try losing weight, exercise more and reduce your salt in diet. If you have higher levels you can only treat that with medications. Primary Medical Agency will have all of the current medication labels listed for verification toward your treatment prescribed by your physician.

Dr. Coston Daily Health Note: Diabetes type II, Obesity, and Hypertension all affect the brain with symptoms that are linked to an increased risk of cognitive decline and memory impairments. Keep your circulatory system in good work order by avoiding cigarettes smoke, and saturated fat will lesson onslaught age-related damage to the brain.

Diabetes Mellitus increases the risk of heart disease. The human body needs glucose (sugar) for energy. Insulin is a hormone made in the pancreas when enough insulin is being made or your body can not use it’s own insulin made as well as it should or both. This will increase your blood sugar.

Diabetes causes sugars to build up in the blood. People with high blood pressure will have diabetes at 60% of the human population. During your health assessment we once we develop your client care medical profile. You will understand your healthcare status and how we can understand your daily living care.

Dr. Coston Daily Health Note:

Do you have Diabeties or Diabetic Symptoms?:

Sepsis Has Long-Term Impact for Older Adults is a widespread bacterial infection usually accompanied by dangerously low blood pressure. Mainly it develops from moderate to sever cognitive problems than adults hospitalized. Home Care Services are aware of how much each patient is required assistance with more daily activities, including walking, and getting dressed, after their infection. They suffer brain and body problems for years after sepsis. It’s a real burden on family members and often leads to the patient being placed in a nursing home. There are 20,000 cases of cognitive impairment, such as dementia in older adults per year.

Sepsis occurs when the body’s normal immune system response, known as inflammation, gets out of control. it can start as a reaction to an infection, such as pneumonia, and go on to damage the body itself. When organs are damaged the condition is known as severe sepsis. 40 percent of people die from the illness.

Possible cause of Sepsis is low blood pressure and inflammation patients experience with sepsis leading to brain damage that cause cognitive problems. Sepsis patients become delirious, a state known with Alzheimer’s disease. Inflammation and infection can attack the muscles and lack of proper physical therapy during sepsis contribute to disability. Older Adults should get their flu and pneumonia vaccines to reduce the risk of infection lead to sepsis.

HOMEASST.® Maintenance Home Service Care.

Home Repair & Housekeeping Maintenance Services

Home Repair Maintenance carefully considers home safety a number one top priority issues happen when your unable to do upkeep home maintenance weekly. Home Care is reasonable and affordable based on your income, health condition, and home assessment. Housekeeping Assistance & Home Repair Maintenance also includes helping you to live in a secured environment for your complete restful days at home. Feel free to let us know your home repair or housekeeping concerns.


HOMEASST.® Home Maintenance, Housekeeping Assistance, and Specialized Home Repair Inspection include:

HEALTHYMEALCOACH.® Meal Planning Food Intake Examples:

PROCESSED FOODS are engineered products. It’s mass-produced from batch to batch and country to country. It uses specialized ingredients that consists of pre-frozen macronutrients, stays emulsified (meaning it’s fat-based and water-based components stay mixed together, rather than separating), and has a long self or freezer life. 1. Processed Foods do not reflect a vast nutritional deficiency.

HEALTHYMEALCOACH.® Medical Nutrition Intake Assessment

As a compliment your Nutrition and Diet Intake maintains a healthy diet during home care. A healthy diet is one based on a variety of foods eaten in the correct proportions to provide correct amount of energy (calories) and nutrients (protein, fats carbohydrates, fiber, vitamins and minerals). This ensures adequate nutrition every day to maintain body processes and protect from ill health. Food is not only necessary for life, but is also a source of great pleasure, with important social, cultural and religious functions. Primary Medical Agency acknowledges care is needed for the healthy and the unhealthy especially for those who have specific health needs that may impact on their nutrition.

HEALTHYMEALCOACH.® Healthy Eating Nutrition Program is designed to promote: